Friday, October 18, 2019

Classroom Management, Engagement, and Motivation Assignment

Classroom Management, Engagement, and Motivation - Assignment Example The student's behavior is considered disruptive to the classroom environment as such an environment is always expected to maintain a learning-conducive condition. The learning-conducive environment should always be kept orderly, quiet and without any form of disruption. While walking around to cause destruction to other students, it is possible that Sarah may end up involved in a fight, quarrel and even accusations of interference with others properties. Such behaviors always cause scenes in the classroom, thereby turning it into a theater full of drama. She may also become a nuisance to the others while she keeps walking around the classroom. However, the possible antecedent of Sarah’s behavior could be the fact that she does not enjoy class work and cannot contain boredom due to being in one place. It is also possible that Sarah is used to being jumpy as a member of photography and movie-making club where moving around is part of the curriculum. Sarah may, therefore, end up wasting a lot of her time in causing trouble while walking around the classroom instead of concentrating on her studies. Her behaviors may also consume other students time while they try to catch up with her drama. It might, therefore, result in poor performance for Sarah and other students in the classroom. To mitigate this behavior, a lot of assignment should be given to this student with close deadlines to make her sit in her seat for longer times trying to work on them. Sarah can also be allowed to attend to her club duties where she will be able to engage herself in duties that require frequent movement around the stage. If the above instructional intervention is applied, Sarah will be able to change and become get used to sitting down for long hours as she completes her assignment.

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