Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 7

Business - Essay Example Secondary school teachers are required to teach students aged between 9-15 years. They are entitled with roles such as instructing students on a given subject. Other roles that could be specified in the job description include planning curriculum (Western Connecticut State University 2013). The description should also include the role of the teacher as a motivator. Preparing the job description for a teacher entails coming up with the list of tasks related with the job and refining the tasks to come up with a summarized ideal list. The list clarifies the expectations of the employee on the applicants (acas 2012). Preparing the Person Specification A person specification includes the list of skill, qualifications, and experiences as well as other aspects that the successful candidate will be required to have. Preparing the person specification entails clearly stating the specific requirements in terms of skills and other professional and work related knowledge. Attracting the Right Ca ndidates (Advertising) Attracting the right candidate entails advertising the job in a mannerism that targets the right candidate. This involves using a job title that grabs the attention of job seekers. Be specific about the title to ensure that people without the relevant background do not apply. To ensure that the advertisement is not ignored, the responsibilities of the successful candidate should be clearly stated in addition to location, pay rate and other essential skills. Additionally, the advertisement should involve use of simple and comprehensible words. To make the application interesting the roles and responsibilities should be listed using bullets (acas 2012; (Graduaterecruitmentbureau 2013). Sending Out Applications Forms Application forms are frequently used to recruit new employees. It is filled by applicants and used for shortlisting purposes. The application form can be printed on paper and sent to the applicants through post. Moreover, the form can be documented electronically and sent through electronic email (Graduaterecruitmentbureau 2013). Shortlisting The process of shortlisting is used to eliminate unsuitable candidates. This entails checking if the applicants have fulfilled the specified educational requirements, have appropriate professional qualifications and experiences and if their CV show the required evidence of competency. Interviewing / Tests The aim of interview is to affirm the effectiveness of shortlisting. The interview should be designed with the aim of checking for personality fit, evaluate if the applicant is compatible and select the applicant who best meets the expectations. This entails asking questions agreed upon by the interviewing panel. The interview questions should test for creativity, vision, evaluating the applicant capability of dealing with situations, ability to influence other that is crucial for teaching. Moreover, the questions should test for communication ability and understanding of oneself and oth er (Western

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